No Good Deed Goes Unpunished


If you’re going to make my life miserable, or bring me bad news, hang up now, but if you’re going to bring joy into my life, and bring me great news, you, I want to talk to, start talking. I want to walk down runways into bathrooms I never been before, I want to walk down catwalks into toilets I never been before, I want to walk down catwalks into toilets I never been before, get what you want, ecstasy and viagra, we do anything and everything you want, too much is not enough, And sometimes, drugs and alcohol numb the nerves numb the nerves, allowing the natural clarity of the mind to flow free, like an auto accident you can’t keep your eyes off it like an auto accident you can’t keep your eyes off it, no good deed goes unpunished I want to rub my face in it and I want to roll in it I want to rub my face in it and I want to roll in it I want to rub my face in it and I want to roll in it, and eat the smell, and the sheer joy of swimming, absolute bliss in bottomless sewers, absolute sewers and bottomless bliss, completely pure, completely pure completely pure completely pure completely pure, primordially pure and empty, eating the sky eating the sky eating the sky eating the sky eating the sky, millions of stars come into my heart, welcome home. Hammering nails into steel with a fist full of water, hammering nails into steel with a fist full of water, hammering nails into steel with a fist full of water; and grabbing a handful of snow from the fire. Many years ago, I thought I could fly, and maybe, I got off once.


John Giorno (1936)



Cover: Never Forever (Falk Richter and Total Brutal), still from the performance (courtesy Arno Declair)

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