

If the bones of the house appeal

build from appliance to the bowl your hands

position and empty, never lonely.

Amid snowstorms the day passes from me to you,

its scenes awash with love.

If I dream the tea cup your mother gave to me

tears and I try to mend it with the wrong glue

it turns out the dream is teasing.

Let’s go to Hawaii on our way to the Library of Congress.

How can I thank you for the pleasure of your company.


Kate Lilley (Perth, Australia, 1960-), from the book Versary (ISBN: 1876857153)


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Cover image:

Sara Rahbar – Stay (Confessions series, 2014) Bronze with Black wax 33x4x11 inches (detail)

(Iran Pavilion at 2015 Venice Art Biennale, ph. Diana Marrone)

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