Etxera Itzuli

altxorren mapak besapean

etxea utzi eta ondinen

abestien xerka abiatu ninduzun

izuen gordelekuetan barrena

sukarri urdinarre tipiak

eta oihan beltzetako xokotan

usteltzen diren xoxo habiak soilik

nizkizun bidaian eriden

denborak bidea ahorturik

etxera itzuli ninduzunean

berria zizun ateko zura

eta sarraila ere

Joseba Sarrionandia (Spain, 1958) translated by Amaia Gabantxo

Source: Arc Publication, UK

Return Home

laden with treasure maps

you sent me from home

into the recesses of fear

in search of the nymphs’ song

all I got for you on my journey

were small grey flint stones

and the rotting nests of blackbirds

that inhabit the belly of dark jungles

time ate up the road

and I returned home to you

and your wooden door was new

and so was your lock

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