It almost seems to slide down, yet you own pretty steady roots.
I wave,
this is true,
you exploit this, you already conduct
through slippy bursts of deboned days.
I will learn to astound you with the dew in the whispers.
Filippo Parodi (Italy, 1978), translation by Slow Words
from Per te soltanto bambino Frammenti di emisferi e Tapping Ninna-Nanne © 2018 Polimnia Digital Editions,
ISBN: 978-88-99193-47-8 – ISBN-A: 10.978.8899193/478 (Italian Language), free download
(The poems collected in Per te soltanto, bambino… don’t have title: the titles we translated and published are, as per their original version in Italian, the first verse noted for publishing needs)
Image cover: Alberto Gianfreda, Via Lattea (2013) – detail (ph. Diana Marrone)